Channel: yanfly.moe
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Librarium Extra – Eldritch Abominations I

Librarium Animated – Sea Dragon Leviathan

Sacred Earth Promise – Released!



From our talented friends at the Sacred Star Team:

It’s out!

The full game has been released. I’ve been playtesting the features and making sure that nothing explodes right up until the 11th hour, but the time has finally come to hit the release button. Sacred Earth – Promise is officially out.

Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement. And I hope that people just have fun with it!

Thanks again.


You can purchase Sacred Earth Promise here! 😀

Social Media Buttons plugin by Fallen Angel Olivia


Our talented plugin creator friend, Fallen Angel Olivia, has released a new plugin: Social Media Buttons.

This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that will add social media buttons onto your title screen that can be clicked and taken to desired URLs. You can add as many or remove as many buttons as you want and have them go to custom URLs of your liking. You can also position these buttons anywhere on the screen with provided coordinates, too.


It’s a paid plugin, but it is currently on sale for 67% off, costing only $0.98. It’s very well made and looks excellent, too! It also doesn’t open up another NodeJS client, but instead, actually opens up the player’s desired browser and makes a new page on it. The fade in effect also looks great, too! I definitely recommend giving this a download!

Librarium Extra – Legendary Knights Soldiers I

Horror Effects plugin for RPG Maker MV by Fallen Angel Olivia


Our talented friend, Fallen Angel Olivia, brings us yet another plugin: Horror Effects!

This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that will allow you to add visual horror effects to your game’s title screen, maps, events, pictures, battle, etc. You can turn on individual effects at a time or multiple simultaneously. The effects include a noise effect, a glitch effect, and a TV effect, which is commonly seen used in most horror films. Now, you can use these effects in RPG Maker MV, too!

Just in time before Halloween ends!

Restaff October 2018!



Goodness! That time of year has come again!

And we should all be afraid..
Very afraid..


We don’t allow the resources to be redistributed anywhere else.
If you want to share it, please direct them here instead!
Thank you for your patronage.


We will release each resources from individual artists for a few straight days.
Look forward for all the amazing resources everyone has in store!
By the end of the event, we’ll compile all resources into a master zip file.


WIthout further ado, let’s begin with Avery’s contribution of the finest spooks.
Creepy Dolls, Vampires and Tilesets await your calling.

The next update is highly inspired by the fantastical world of Alice in Wonderland by slimmmeiske2
Alice and the Queen of Hearts grace us with their presence!

Download the rest from the RPG Maker Web Restaff itch.io page! 😀

Librarium Animated – Ice Titan Demeres

Aetherflow Preload Everything by Kaliya



Our friend, Kaliya, has made a preload plugin for RPG Maker MV! 😀

This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that is designed to add a preloader and caching system to your game. Are you tired of having your sound not play right away? Are you tired of some images not appearing when they should, because they’re still loading? Well this plugin is for you! It is designed to allow the developer to selectively preload certain things globally, or when the player loads a map, or on demand via a few scripts calls! The plugin also has a basic caching system to help alleviate the issue of MV using too much memory if used properly.

This plugin was designed and developed for RPG Maker MV >=1.6.1. It will not work in versions lower then this.

Proximity Compass plugin for RPG Maker MV by Fallen Angel Olivia


Our Octopath-loving friend, Fallen Angel Olivia, releases another Octopath-inspired plugin: the Proximity Compass!

This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that adds a compass to the map screen, marking the position of nearby events and the directions of far away events. Events are represented by icons from the icon set. This can be used to help the player locate objectives, points of interests, NPCs, and more.


And furthermore, it’s on sale this week at 40% off!

YEP.173 – Stat Allocation – RPG Maker MV


Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:
English Dropbox
English Mirror

Support Team Yanfly on Patreon

Lots of players love to customization in games. It lets them put a bit of a personal touch in the games they like to play, and what a better way to do that than through Stat Allocation? With the Stat Allocation, players can alter the amount of MaxHP, MaxMP, ATK, DEF, etc. through a new resource, AP, which stands for Allocation Points. AP is usually gained through leveling up and is then used to boost stats!

However, if AP is not your thing, you can also allocate stats through JP (using the Job Points plugin) or through items! This plugin gives you, the game dev, three different ways to allocate stats with!

Stat Allocation in this plugin is tied to classes and not actors as a whole. This means that the allocation build that an actor can vary depending on the class the actor currently is. This means the player can experiment with multiple allocation builds instead of a one-size fits all allocation build if class changing is involved.

Classes can also offer different parameters to allocate points into, too. A warrior class may give options for ATK and DEF while a mage class can give options for MaxMP or MAT. This can be done through the usage of notetags for each class.

You can adjust the allocation rules for how each stat, too, from the name to the icon to the cost to the effect to the maximum number of times the stat can be allocated into. These can all be done through the plugin parameters.


Lots of players love to customization in games. It lets them put a bit of a personal touch in the games they like to play, and what a better way to do that than through Stat Allocation? With the Stat Allocation, players can alter the amount of MaxHP, MaxMP, ATK, DEF, etc. through a new resource, AP, which stands for Allocation Points. AP is usually gained through leveling up and is then used to boost stats!

However, if AP is not your thing, you can also allocate stats through JP (using the Job Points plugin) or through items! This plugin gives you, the game dev, three different ways to allocate stats with!

Stat Allocation in this plugin is tied to classes and not actors as a whole. This means that the allocation build that an actor can vary depending on the class the actor currently is. This means the player can experiment with multiple allocation builds instead of a one-size fits all allocation build if class changing is involved.

Classes can also offer different parameters to allocate points into, too. A warrior class may give options for ATK and DEF while a mage class can give options for MaxMP or MAT. This can be done through the usage of notetags for each class.

You can adjust the allocation rules for how each stat, too, from the name to the icon to the cost to the effect to the maximum number of times the stat can be allocated into. These can all be done through the plugin parameters.


If you want to give certain classes different stats to allocate into, use the following notetag setups:

Class Notetags:

<Stat Allocation: x, x, x>


<Stat Allocation>
</Stat Allocation>
– Replace ‘x’ with a stat to add it to a list of parameters that players can allocate points into. Insert as many ‘x’ entries as you need. They will appear in the menu in the order they’ve been placed. Unaffiliated stats will not appear in the menu. Use any of the stats below:

Param: Stands for:

  mhp       Max HP
  mmp       Max MP
  atk       Attack
  def       Defense
  mat       Magic Attack
  mdf       Magic Defense
  agi       Agility
  luk       Luck


  hit       Hit Rate
  eva       Evasion Rate
  cri       Critical Hit Rate
  cev       Critical Evasion Rate
  mev       Magic Evasion Rate
  mrf       Magic Reflection Rate
  cnt       Counterattack Rate
  hrg       HP Regeneration Rate
  mrg       MP Regeneration Rate
  trg       TP Regeneration Rate


  tgr       Target Rate
  grd       Guard Effect Rate
  rec       Recovery Rate
  pha       Pharmacology (Item Effectiveness)
  mcr       MP Cost Rate
  tcr       TP Charge Rate
  pdr       Physical Damage Rate
  mdr       Magical Damage Rate
  fdr       Floor Damage Rate
  exr       Experience Rate

These can be inserted into the ‘Default Parameters’ plugin parameter, too, to change up the default listing and make it apply to every class that does not have their own unique notetag setup.

Main Menu Manager – Positioning the Allocate Command

For those using the Main Menu Manager and would like to position the Allocate command in a place you’d like, use the following format:

Name: Yanfly.Param.StatAlcCmdName
 Symbol: statAllocate
 Show: $gameSystem.isShowStatAllocate()
 Enabled: $gameSystem.isEnableStatAllocate()
 Main Bind: this.commandPersonal.bind(this)
Actor Bind: SceneManager.push(Scene_StatAllocation)

Insert the above setup within a Main Menu Manager slot. Provided you copy the exact settings to where you need it, it will appear there while using all of the naming, enabling, disabling, hiding, and showing effects done by the plugin parameters.

Remember to turn off ‘Auto Add Menu’ from the plugin parameters.

Plugin Commands

You can use the following plugin commands for various Stat Allocation related effects in your game!

Plugin Commands:

– This will show or hide the main menu’s Stat Allocation command.

– This will enable or disable the main menu’s Stat Allocation command.

– This will show or hide the Allocation scene’s ‘Revert’ command.

– This will enable or disable the Allocation scene’s ‘Revert’ command.

Lunatic Mode – Script Calls

You can use the following script calls to give actors extra AP to use.

Script Calls:

var actor = $gameActors.actor(actorId);
 actor.gainBonusAp(x, classId);

– Replace ‘actorId’ with the ID of the actor you wish to affect. Replace ‘x’ with the amount of AP you wish to apply to the actor. Replace ‘classId’ with the ID of the class you wish to give AP to. You can keep ‘classId’ as 0 to make it affect the actor’s current class.

var actor = $gameActors.actor(actorId);
 actor.setBonusAp(x, classId);

– Replace ‘actorId’ with the ID of the actor you wish to affect. Replace ‘x’ with the amount of AP you wish to set the actor’s AP to. Replace ‘classId’ with the ID of the class you wish to set the AP to. You can keep ‘classId’ as 0 to make it affect the actor’s current class.

Happy RPG Making!

Librarium Dragonbones Demo 2.0 !




Today we see the release of a major update to the original Librarium Dragonbones sample project!

If you’re uncertain on how to configure dragonbones and setup Librarium Animated releases, the Librarium Dragonbones Demo 2.0 sample project will provide the right tools to get you going!

Download it today!

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Librarium Monster suggestion box!

Map sprites, facesets and more!

Limited Downloads for Fallen Angel Olivia


Here with some news from our plugin creator friend, Fallen Angel Olivia.

I (Fallen Angel Olivia) will be switching many plugins that used to be free for download to be paid plugins for various reasons.

To give some users that wanted this plugin but did not acquire it for free during the time it was available as such, I will be allowing the first 20 people to download this plugin to acquire it freely.

These are the following that are changed:

Weakness Display System
Break Shield System
Boost Point System
Weapon Swap System
Side Battle Status UI
Victory Sequence UI
Battle Effects Pack 1
Order Turn Battle System
Battle Effects Pack 2
Item Concoctions

I understand this change is not going to make everybody happy, but it seems like it being free didn’t make everybody happy either. I am going to change it so that only people who truly want and appreciate my plugins will be able to acquire them. Sorry for anyone who will be disappointed by this, but this is my decision.

To download the free versions, go to the links, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click claim at the end:


Stat Allocation v1.01 Update!


YEP.173 - Stat Allocation

You can grab the updated version here!

Some of of you reported that you were unable to get Allocate to appear in the main menu. This should be fixed now!

A new plugin command is also added for those of you who wish to access the Allocation menu through a plugin command, too! You can find out about it in the help file!

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Librarium Animated – Legendary Knight Remment

Librarium Extra – Eldritch Abominations II

Newly Released: Horror/School Tilesets + Kemono SD Volume 2!


From our talented friends, Archeia, Caz, Decky, and Aekashics, we bring you the Horror/School Tilesets + Kemono SD Character Pack Volume 2!


Do you wish to create a game inspired by dating sims or modern indie adventure games? Do you like high res pixel art? With this pack, you can create a dating game or even horror! With a flexible palette that can be easily desaturated for a more serious feel or a bright cheery game, this pack is for you!

The pack contains 48×48 graphics with tall character sprites.

Contains the following assets:

  • 29 Character Sheets
  • 3 Sheets of Decoration
  • 2 Windowskins
  • 7 Tile sheets!

This asset pack is not restricted to RPG Maker!

Made by Archeia and friends!


Volume 1 focused around the foundations!

Volume 2 focuses around key npcs commonly needed to truly get your adventures rolling!

Frontview and mirrored Battler, 8-Emotions Faceset(Except for the Guild Master who wears a helmet, thus the faceset only has one portrait ) and 4-direction map sprites for the following characters are included!

Characters Featured:

  • Guild Master
  • Kid A
  • Kid B
  • Noble Merchant
  • Queen
  • Quest Master
  • Villager B
  • Villager C
  • Villager D

Thanks for supporting Volume.1 and making Vol.2 possible! 

Looking forward to future expansions to these sets! Got any ideas or suggestions for future KemonoSD expansions? Let me know!

This pack is optimized for RPGMaker MV but you can freely use it in any other game engine, though you may need to reformat the assets to fit other standards!

Further expand your game with the freely available and weekly updated Librarium battler assets! http://www.akashics.moe/

Don’t forget to check out Volume 1 if you haven’t, as this pack is an expansion to it!

-Ækashics ヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ

Black Friday RPG Maker Assets Bundles


Our talented content creators from the RPG Maker community are creating an assets bundle for Black Friday, which you can purchase at a massive discount and use for your RPG Maker game(s)! There’s three different bundle types, for game devs with different budgets! Don’t worry, they’re all thinking of you, too, as they made these bundles!

Black Friday Silver Bundle

  • Archeia’s School Horror resource pack! Ever wanted to create a horror game with a school setting? Or do you want to use them for a dating sim? The choice is yours!
  • Olivia’s Horror Effects plugin! Create spooky, glitchy effects for your RPG Maker project using this plugin. From noise to TV lines to glitchy graphics, put your players at the edge of their seats before you blow their mind.
  • Kaliya’s Preload Everything! You can’t have a horror game or dating sim without some custom graphics, and what a better way to load up those custom graphics than with Kaliya’s Preloader?

These three assets will definitely work hand-in-hand in helping you create the horror experience or dating sim you want!


The original price of everything together used to be $30, but now you can save a chunk of it by buying it altogether for only $20!

Click here to view the Silver Bundle!

Black Friday Gold Bundle

  • Archeia’s School Horror resource pack! Ever wanted to create a horror game with a school setting? Or do you want to use them for a dating sim? The choice is yours!
  • Olivia’s Horror Effects plugin! Create spooky, glitchy effects for your RPG Maker project using this plugin. From noise to TV lines to glitchy graphics, put your players at the edge of their seats before you blow their mind.
  • Kaliya’s Preload Everything! You can’t have a horror game or dating sim without some custom graphics, and what a better way to load up those custom graphics than with Kaliya’s Preloader?
  • Caz’s Pixel Fantasy RPG Icons! Why not sprinkle it up with some adorable and gorgeous icons made from Caz? These icons can be used for a variety of games!
  • Ocean’s Nostalgia Pack! Make your players put on some nostalgia-tinted goggles with Ocean’s Nostalgia pack featuring very lovely pixel art and a blast to the past!
  • Aekashics’ Kemono SD Character Pack! Perhaps you’d like to try to make a different type of game with a different type of cast. Aekashics has a bunch of cute and sugary animal-eared friends with the Kemono SD Character Pack!


The original price of everything together used to be $65, but now you can save a chunk of it by buying it altogether for only $39.99!

Click here to view the Gold Bundle!

Black Friday Diamond Bundle

  • Archeia’s School Horror resource pack! Ever wanted to create a horror game with a school setting? Or do you want to use them for a dating sim? The choice is yours!
  • Olivia’s Horror Effects plugin! Create spooky, glitchy effects for your RPG Maker project using this plugin. From noise to TV lines to glitchy graphics, put your players at the edge of their seats before you blow their mind.
  • Kaliya’s Preload Everything! You can’t have a horror game or dating sim without some custom graphics, and what a better way to load up those custom graphics than with Kaliya’s Preloader?
  • Caz’s Pixel Fantasy RPG Icons! Why not sprinkle it up with some adorable and gorgeous icons made from Caz? These icons can be used for a variety of games!
  • Caz’s Pixel Fantasy RPG Icons 2! And if you didn’t have enough of those beautiful icons, Caz has even more for in her second pack!
  • Ocean’s Nostalgia Pack! Make your players put on some nostalgia-tinted goggles with Ocean’s Nostalgia pack featuring very lovely pixel art and a blast to the past!
  • Aekashics’ Kemono SD Character Pack! Perhaps you’d like to try to make a different type of game with a different type of cast. Aekashics has a bunch of cute and sugary animal-eared friends with the Kemono SD Character Pack!
  • Olivia’s OctoPack Battler Sample Project! And if you’re gonna be making an RPG, may as well get the best turn-based battle system available for RPG Maker MV with Olivia’s OctoPack Battler!


The original price of everything together used to be $105, but now you can save a chunk of it by buying it altogether for only $59.99!

Click here to view the Diamond Bundle!

These bundles will be available until the end of November 30th! Be sure to check them out and grab whichever one fits you the best!

YEP.174 – Event Sprite Offset – RPG Maker MV


Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.

You can grab the plugin here:
English Dropbox
English Mirror

Support Team Yanfly on Patreon

Today, we have a bonus plugin! 😀 The bonus plugin isn’t a part of the main line that Team Yanfly releases, but it’s certainly something to give to the community! We make bonus plugins as extra tools to help specific game types. And today, we have the

Event Sprite Offset!!!

Events are bound to their tiles and their sprites are bound to their events. Naturally, this would mean that the sprites would be bound to the tiles, too, but sometimes, we’d like to offset the appearance of sprites so that they don’t look super uniform all of the time. This plugin gives you the ability to offset sprites visually using notetags comment tags.


Events are bound to their tiles and their sprites are bound to their events. Naturally, this would mean that the sprites would be bound to the tiles, too, but sometimes, we’d like to offset the appearance of sprites so that they don’t look super uniform all of the time. This plugin gives you the ability to offset sprites visually using notetags comment tags.


To offset sprites using the event notetags, using the following below:

Event Notetags:

<Sprite Offset X: +n>
<Sprite Offset X: -n>
– Replace ‘n’ with the number of pixels you wish to offset the horizontal position of the sprite by. A positive number moves the sprite to the right. A negative number moves the sprite to the left.

<Sprite Offset Y: +n>
<Sprite Offset Y: -n>
– Replace ‘n’ with the number of pixels you wish to offset the vertical position of the sprite by. A positive number moves the sprite down. A negative number moves the sprite up.

<Sprite Offset: +x, +y>
<Sprite Offset: -x, -y>
– If you wish to put sprite offset information on one line, use the above comment tag instead. Replace ‘x’ and ‘y’ with the values to offset the sprite by. Positive x will move the sprite right. Negative x will move the sprite left. Positive y will move the sprite down. Negative y will move the sprite up.

Comment Tags

To offset sprites using comments, make comments for each event page you want the sprite to be offset in using the comment tags below:

Comment Tags:

<Sprite Offset X: +n>
<Sprite Offset X: -n>
– Replace ‘n’ with the number of pixels you wish to offset the horizontal position of the sprite by. A positive number moves the sprite to the right. A negative number moves the sprite to the left.
NOTE*: This will take priority over event notetag sprite offsets.

<Sprite Offset Y: +n>
<Sprite Offset Y: -n>
– Replace ‘n’ with the number of pixels you wish to offset the vertical position of the sprite by. A positive number moves the sprite down. A negative number moves the sprite up.
NOTE*: This will take priority over event notetag sprite offsets.

<Sprite Offset: +x, +y>
<Sprite Offset: -x, -y>
– If you wish to put sprite offset information on one line, use the above comment tag instead. Replace ‘x’ and ‘y’ with the values to offset the sprite by. Positive x will move the sprite right. Negative x will move the sprite left. Positive y will move the sprite down. Negative y will move the sprite up.
NOTE*: This will take priority over event notetag sprite offsets.

Custom Movement Route – Script Calls

If you wish to change an event sprite’s offset after a page has been loaded, you can issue a custom movement route script calls to alter it:

Script Call:

this._spriteOffsetX = n
this._spriteOffsetY = n
– This sets the sprite offset X or Y values to ‘n’. The same rules apply as the comment tags. A positive X goes right, a negative X goes left. A positive Y goes down, a negative Y goes up.

this._spriteOffsetX += n
this._spriteOffsetY += n
– Increases the sprite’s offset X or Y by ‘n’. The same rules apply as the comment tags. A positive X goes right, a negative X goes left. A positive Y goes down, a negative Y goes up.

this._spriteOffsetX -= n
this._spriteOffsetY -= n
– Decreases the sprite’s offset X or Y by ‘n’. The same rules apply as the comment tags. A positive X goes right, a negative X goes left. A positive Y goes down, a negative Y goes up.

Happy RPG Making!

Plugin Optimization Updates for Passives



YEP.117 - Passive Aura Effects

Both Auto Passive States and Passive Aura Effects received optimization updates as of this update.

I’ve been receiving reports from a couple of game devs saying that if they have too many passive states on at a time (namely, 50+), the game gets lag spikes regularly. This happens especially if there are too many passive conditions present. It took quite a bit of work to get this matter replicated for me, but the problem should be fixed (or at least, reduced) for the time being.

Please go to each one of these plugins and download their new versions as well as updating them for your game(s). Your games should run faster now with less lag spikes caused from passives themselves!

To download all available plugins, click here.

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