God warrior Poseidon! as suggested by Spirium and Ainars, and voted by the awesome community over at Patreon !
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God warrior Poseidon! as suggested by Spirium and Ainars, and voted by the awesome community over at Patreon !
Support Ækashics for more content like this!
Once upon a time…
A righteous knight hunted down evil, but was blind to the darkness behind her.
A valiant soldier lived with honor, but was betrayed by his own code.
And a young prince sought vengeance, but was destroyed by his own hatred.
Three puppets of fate meet at destiny’s crossroads And with the actors gathered, the play begins…
Today we are excited to present to you KemonoQ’s concept demo!
a JRPG dungeon crawler in development, focused around equippable passive and powerful active effects. With a major focus on gameplay without neglecting its setting and characters, KemonoQ tells a dark tale of irony, while offering an engaging gameplay experience.
-Special Thanks-
Yanfly – Being an awesome friend overall and your constant support. Thanks for always believing in my projects and pushing me to materialize ideas! Always fun to exchange ideas and chat, whenever you need my help ill be there!
Liquidize – Thanks for going out of your way to provide help for code fixes and even more implementation ideas!
Archeia – Thanks for making that last minute commission for the boss map sprite happen!
Luc & Vistrom – Thanks for being on board and helping with everything 24/7, the demo and its publishing certainly would not have happened without you guys!
Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
You can grab the plugin here:
English Dropbox
English MIrror
Support Team Yanfly on Patreon
This plugin allows you to add a variety of effects to your items and skills to reward the player for good (or bad) gameplay. Certain effects can only trigger under specific conditions, such as defeating the target, landing a critical hit, or striking the target’s weakness. After these conditions have been met, the effects can range from refunding skill costs, adding buffs, removing debuffs, or even applying states.
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
This plugin requires the following plugins:
– Battle Engine Core
– Skill Core
Place this plugin beneath the above listed plugins in the plugin manager.
This plugin allows you to add a variety of effects to your items and skills to reward the player for good (or bad) gameplay. Certain effects can only trigger under specific conditions, such as defeating the target, landing a critical hit, or striking the target’s weakness. After these conditions have been met, the effects can range from refunding skill costs, adding buffs, removing debuffs, or even applying states.
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
For updated versions of the notetags, please refer to the plugin’s helpfile.
Lunatic Mode – Effect Code
For experienced users that know JavaScript and have RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+, you can add new notetag effects that can be used by the plugin or alter the effects of currently existing notetag effects from the plugin parameters entry: Effect Code. It should look something like this:
// ---------- // Flat Gains // ---------- if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)[ ]HP/i)) { value = parseInt(RegExp.$1); user.gainHp(value); animation = animation || hpAnimation; } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)[ ]MP/i)) { value = parseInt(RegExp.$1); user.gainMp(value); animation = animation || mpAnimation; ... // ------------------------------- // Add new effects above this line // ------------------------------- } else { skip = true; }
Here’s what each of the variables used in this code bit refer to:
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Variable: Refers to: -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- item The item being used by this action skill The skill being used by this action isItem Returns true if action is an item isSkill Returns true if action is a skill a Returns the action user user Returns the action user subject Returns the action user b Returns the action's current target target Returns the action's current target s[x] Return switch x (true/false) v[x] Return variable x's current value user._result The current results for the user target._result The current results for the target userPreviousResult The results for the user before any changes targetPreviousResult The results for the target before any changes animation The animation to be played. You can set it equal to any of the following which corresponds to plugin parameter settings: - hpAnimation - mpAnimation - tpAnimation - itemAnimation - buffAnimation - debuffAnimation - addStateAnimation - removeStateAnimation - miscAnimation skip Default: false. If true, skips popups & animations
If you need to revert the Effect Code back to its original state, delete the plugin from your plugin manager list and then add it again. The code will be back to default.
Happy RPG Making!
One of our fellow RPG Makers, ACE, has just recently released his game! Be sure to take a look!
Eternal Conquest the Great War has several “killer app” style features designed to immerse the player into a new and unique experience while remaining true to the expectations of the “classic RPG style”.
Please consider supporting us by pledging or pre-ordering at our crowdfunding website.
Eternal Conquest also made the Front Page of the Money Section of the regional newspaper where the developer is based. A PDF replica of the article can be seen here.
Our buddy, Swift Illusion, has made an entry for the Indie Game Maker Contest 2017!
‘Battle against a boss and their minions in a dynamic and evolving challenge that still rewards careful observation and planning’
Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
You can grab the plugin here:
English Dropbox
English Mirror
Support Team Yanfly on Patreon.
This plugin adds a new window to the map scene: a Quest Window to display whatever quest is currently active and its unfinished objectives. This way, the player can conveniently look at the needed quest objectives that are needed to be completed. The player can also set or clear the currently active quest from the Quest Journal System menu.
This plugin requires YEP_QuestJournal. Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_QuestJournal in the plugin list.
This plugin adds a new window to the map scene: a Quest Window to display whatever quest is currently active and its unfinished objectives. This way, the player can conveniently look at the needed quest objectives that are needed to be completed. The player can also set or clear the currently active quest from the Quest Journal System menu.
Instructions – Setting Up the Active Map Quest Window
The plugin parameter ‘Window Settings’ can also be left alone by default, but should you wish to alter it to fit your game’s settings, here’s what you need to know.
Word Wrap Objectives
– For those with YEP_MessageCore.js installed, you can set whether or not you want the objectives to be word wrapped. Enabling this would set quest objectives to become word wrapped and disabling it would not.
Default Show
– This will determine if you want this window to appear by default or not. This will have no bearing on the player’s Options menu command, but it will allow you to disable the Active Map Quest Window from the mechanical-driven side of the game.
Window Settings
– If you wish to customize the category window, you can adjust the various settings here to adjust its properties. However, keep in mind that unless you are familiar with JavaScript, you can make errors here that can make the windows not work in your game.
X: Graphics.boxWidth – width
Y: 0
Scale: 0.50
Width: Graphics.boxWidth / 3
Line Height: 36
Font Face: GameFont
Font Size: 28
Standard Padding: 18
Text Padding: 6
Standard Opacity: 255
Back Opacity: 192
Window Skin: Window
Plugin Commands
You can use the following plugin commands to change the behavior of the Map Quest Window.
Plugin Commands:
SetActiveQuest x
– Sets the active quest to x.
– Refreshes the map quest window.
– Changes the Active Map Quest Window to be visible/hidden. This will not override the player’s Options Menu’s setting to hide the window.
Happy RPG Making!
This time around we see the official release of the animated Clockwork Prototype, featuring Swift’s animation work!
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Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
You can grab the plugin here:
English Dropbox
English Mirror
Support Team Yanfly on Patreon
This plugin allows you to add a variety of protection effects to your states to allow them to reduce HP or MP damage in more unique ways, from cutting off a percentage of the original damage, blocking off damage entirely once certain break points are met, capping damage in certain ways, and surviving fatal damage. And should any of those effects trigger, you can set the state to perform special effects, too!
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
This plugin requires the following plugins:
– Battle Engine Core
– Buffs & States Core
Place this plugin beneath the above listed plugins in the plugin manager. This plugin allows you to add a variety of protection effects to your states to allow them to reduce HP or MP damage in more unique ways, from cutting off a percentage of the original damage, blocking off damage entirely once certain break points are met, capping damage in certain ways, and surviving fatal damage. And should any of those effects trigger, you can set the state to perform special effects, too!
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
For updated versions of the notetags, please refer to the plugin’s helpfile.
Lunatic Mode – Effect Code
For experienced users that know JavaScript and have RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+, you can add new notetag effects that can be used by the plugin or alter the effects of currently existing notetag effects from the plugin parameters entry: Effect Code. It should look something like this:
// ---------------- // Damage Reduction // ---------------- if (data.match(/DAMAGE CUT[ ](\d+)([%%])/i)) { rate = parseFloat(RegExp.$1) * 0.01; blocked = originalValue * rate; value -= blocked; value = Math.max(value, 0); } else if (data.match(/DAMAGE BLOCK[ ]([\+\-]\d+)/i)) { blocked = parseInt(RegExp.$1); value -= blocked; value = Math.max(value, 0); ... // ------------------------------- // Add new effects above this line // ------------------------------- } else { skip = true; }
Here’s what each of the variables used in this code bit refer to:
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Variable: Refers to: -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- state The state this effect belongs to stateId The state ID this effect belongs to value The HP/MP damage being affected by this effect. Any changes made to this value will be permanent unless the effect is skipped. originalValue The original HP/MP damage before any of the protect state effects have been applied. item The item being used by this action skill The skill being used by this action isItem Returns true if action is an item isSkill Returns true if action is a skill a Returns the action user user Returns the action user subject Returns the action user b Returns the action's current target target Returns the action's current target s[x] Return switch x (true/false) v[x] Return variable x's current value user._result The current results for the user target._result The current results for the target userPreviousResult The results for the user before any changes targetPreviousResult The results for the target before any changes animation The animation to be played. triggered Returns if any of this state's protection effects have been triggered (true) or not (false) skip Default: false. If true, skips popups & animations
If you need to revert the Effect Code back to its original state, delete the plugin from your plugin manager list and then add it again. The code will be back to default.
Happy RPG Making!
This time around we expand upon last week’s release with the release of the Clockwork Mage!
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Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
You can grab the plugin here:
English Dropbox
English Mirror
Support Team Yanfly on Patreon
Ever wanted to have a bit more variety in how critical hits are determined in your game? This plugin gives you the ability to sway the critical hit rate of skills, items, and states in your game! Users affected by it can have their actions result in criticals based off their own HP values or the enemy’s! Or perhaps the idea of linking the critical hit rate to the element rate of the action, too? You can also alter the critical hit rate based off the number of states, buffs, or debuffs on either the user or the target!
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
This plugin requires the following plugins:
– Battle Engine Core
– Damage Core
– Critical Control
Place this plugin beneath the above listed plugins in the plugin manager.
Ever wanted to have a bit more variety in how critical hits are determined in your game? This plugin gives you the ability to sway the critical hit rate of skills, items, and states in your game! Users affected by it can have their actions result in criticals based off their own HP values or the enemy’s! Or perhaps the idea of linking the critical hit rate to the element rate of the action, too? You can also alter the critical hit rate based off the number of states, buffs, or debuffs on either the user or the target!
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
For updated versions of the notetags, please refer to the plugin’s helpfile.
Lunatic Mode – Effect Code
For experienced users that know JavaScript and have RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+, you can add new notetag effects that can be used by the plugin or alter the effects of currently existing notetag effects from the plugin parameters entry: Effect Code. It should look something like this:
// ---------- // Flat Gains // ---------- if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)[ ]HP/i)) { value = parseInt(RegExp.$1); user.gainHp(value); animation = animation || hpAnimation; } else if (data.match(/([\+\-]\d+)[ ]MP/i)) { value = parseInt(RegExp.$1); user.gainMp(value); animation = animation || mpAnimation;
// ------------------------------- // Add new effects above this line // ------------------------------- } else { skip = true; }
Here’s what each of the variables used in this code bit refer to:
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Variable: Refers to: -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- rate The current critical hit rate to be returned item The item being used by this action skill The skill being used by this action isItem Returns true if action is an item isSkill Returns true if action is a skill a Returns the action user user Returns the action user subject Returns the action user b Returns the action's current target target Returns the action's current target s[x] Return switch x (true/false) v[x] Return variable x's current value user._result The current results for the user target._result The current results for the target userPreviousResult The results for the user before any changes targetPreviousResult The results for the target before any changes nonstack Returns if effect's nonstacking or not (true/false) stackCheck If true, it will autoskip the current effect skip Default: false. If true, returns the previous rate
If you need to revert the Effect Code back to its original state, delete the plugin from your plugin manager list and then add it again. The code will be back to default.
Happy RPG Making!
Our friend, NeoSoulGamer, has released his game, Asylum: Secret of Caledria! Be sure to check it out!
Enter the life of Oswyn as he sets out to investigate a deep conspiracy. Meanwhile, his homeland is falling into political turmoil, and he must find his way out of compromising dilemmas that will shape the future of an entire civilization.
Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
You can grab the plugin here:
English Dropbox
English Mirror
Support Team Yanfly on Patreon
Sometimes, we’d like to add additional effects to our actions in battle. These effects can range from adding more HP, applying a new state to the user after everything else has happened, removing debuffs, playing an animation, or even absorbing a fraction of all the total damage directly dealt by the action this turn. This Lunatic Pack provides a new batch of effects that you can use to empower your items and skills, or to even globalize them as a result of states.
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
This plugin requires the following plugins:
– Battle Engine Core
Place this plugin beneath the above listed plugin(s) in the plugin manager.
Sometimes, we’d like to add additional effects to our actions in battle. These effects can range from adding more HP, applying a new state to the user after everything else has happened, removing debuffs, playing an animation, or even absorbing a fraction of all the total damage directly dealt by the action this turn. This Lunatic Pack provides a new batch of effects that you can use to empower your items and skills, or to even globalize them as a result of states.
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
For updated versions of the notetags, please refer to the plugin’s helpfile.
Lunatic Mode – Effect Code
For experienced users that know JavaScript and have RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+, you can add new notetag effects that can be used by the plugin or alter the effects of currently existing notetag effects from the plugin parameters entry: Effect Code. It should look something like this:
// --------- // Animation // --------- if (data.match(/ANIMATION[ ](\d+)/i)) { var animationId = parseInt(RegExp.$1); var mirror = data.match(/MIRROR/i); if (data.match(/DELAY[ ](\d+)/i)) { var delay = parseInt(RegExp.$1); } else { var delay = 0; } user.startAnimation(animationId, mirror, delay); ... // ------------------------------- // Add new effects above this line // ------------------------------- } else { skip = true; }
Here’s what each of the variables used in this code bit refer to:
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Variable: Refers to: -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- item The item being used by this action skill The skill being used by this action isItem Returns true if action is an item isSkill Returns true if action is a skill a Returns the action user user Returns the action user subject Returns the action user b Returns the action's current target target Returns the action's current target s[x] Return switch x (true/false) v[x] Return variable x's current value user._result The current results for the user target._result The current results for the target userPreviousResult The results for the user before any changes targetPreviousResult The results for the target before any changes totalHpDamage The total amount of HP damage dealt this action totalMpDamage The total amount of MP damage dealt this action skip Default: false. If true, popups will show
If you need to revert the Effect Code back to its original state, delete the plugin from your plugin manager list and then add it again. The code will be back to default.
Happy RPG Making!
The Clockwork King of creation who rules with an iron fist!
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This time on Librarium Extra…Clockwork Creatures III!
Clockwork Queen – Part of the Clockwork nobility! Along The King, The Queen rules above all clockwork creations.
Clockwork Reaper – A personal bodyguard to the Clockwork Queen, The clockwork reaper determines when the clock stops ticking!
Clockwork Slime – A pet created by the Clockwork Queen for fun! They proved to be well adapted for combat.
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Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
You can grab the plugin here:
English Dropbox
English Mirror
Support Team Yanfly on Patreon
The event timer is often used for countdown purposes. However, sometimes you would like to have a bit more control over it, such as being able to pause and resume the timer, increase or decrease the seconds, minutes, or even hours on the timer. Don’t want a countdown timer? Why not have it count upwards instead? Experienced Lunatic Mode coders will be able to add in their own plugin commands, too!
The event timer is often used for countdown purposes. However, sometimes you would like to have a bit more control over it, such as being able to pause and resume the timer, increase or decrease the seconds, minutes, or even hours on the timer. Don’t want a countdown timer? Why not have it count upwards instead? Experienced Lunatic Mode coders will be able to add in their own plugin commands, too!
Notable Changes Made:
– Ability to separate timer sprite from the spriteset
– Timer is now capable of displaying hours
– Pause/resume functions for timer
– Increasing/decreasing seconds from timer
– Counting up instead of just count down
Plugin Commands
Use the following plugin commands to make use of the new features added by
this plugin to control the event timer.
Plugin Commands:
EventTimer Pause
– Pauses the event timer.
EventTimer Resume
– Resumes the event timer if it has been paused.
EventTimer Countdown
– Changes the direction of the event timer to decrease and count down towards 0 seconds.
EventTimer Count Up
– Changes the direction of the event timer to increase and count upwards endlessly until manually stopped
EventTimer Count Toggle
– Switches the current direction of the event timer to either increase or decrease each second it is active.
EventTimer Increase x Frames
EventTimer Decrease x Frames
– Replace ‘x’ with a number value to determine how many frames to increase or decrease the event timer by.
EventTimer Increase x Seconds
EventTimer Decrease x Seconds
– Replace ‘x’ with a number value to determine how many seconds to increase or decrease the event timer by.
EventTimer Increase x Minutes
EventTimer Decrease x Minutes
– Replace ‘x’ with a number value to determine how many minutes to increase or decrease the event timer by.
EventTimer Increase x Hours
EventTimer Decrease x Hours
– Replace ‘x’ with a number value to determine how many hours to increase or decrease the event timer by.
You can also combine them together as such:
EventTimer Increase x Hours, y Seconds
EventTimer Increase x Hours, y Minutes
EventTimer Increase x Minutes, y Seconds
EventTimer Increase x Hours, y Minutes, z Seconds
Lunatic Mode – Effect Code
For experienced users that know JavaScript and have RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+, you
can add new plugin commands for this plugin or alter the code of currently
existing plugin commands from the plugin parameters entry: Effect Code.
It should look something like this:
// ------------ // Pause/Resume // ------------ if (data.match(/PAUSE/i)) { $gameTimer.pause(); } else if (data.match(/RESUME/i)) { $gameTimer.resume(); ... // -------------------------------- // Add new commands above this data // -------------------------------- } else { // Do nothing }
The ‘data’ variable refers to the rest of the Plugin Command after the ‘EventTimer’ keyword. For example:
EventTimer Increase 2 Hours, 30 Minutes, 15 Seconds
The ‘data’ would be ‘Increase 2 Hours, 30 Minutes, 15 Seconds’ and thus, the string ‘data’ is used when checking lines in the ‘Effect Code’ parameter.
If you need to revert the Effect Code back to its original state, delete the plugin from your plugin manager list and then add it again. The code will be back to default.
Happy RPG Making!
This time around on Librarium Extra…Aspiring Knights I! As suggested by Clint Russell and voted by the awesome community over at patreon!
Support Ækashics for more content like this!
Heya, all! How’s everyone doing?
I’ll have to cut to the chase a bit and deliver some bad news…
As of late, I’ve been overworking myself (again) and the signs have finally started showing up for the past week. I managed to haul myself to the doctor this morning to get a check up and I may end up getting some serious health issues again if I don’t keep this overworking in check. The good news is, this time, I’ve caught it early ahead of time.
I probably didn’t realize it, but ever since Tigress and Chickie left the team and I took over their spots, the amount of extra work started to build up again. Across the course of a half year, combined with my full time day job, I’ve ended up reaching that overworked status again. ><
As you can guess, I may have to cut down the amount of work I put into RPG Maker again, but for health reasons, I’ll be taking a small break this month. I’ve already taken a sick leave from work for the following two weeks after this one so I’ll be doing the same for RPG Maker…
That is to say, I will be finishing the plugin scheduled to be released this Friday for you all. But after that, it will be until January before I start working on RPG Maker again. With that in mind, I will be making some changes to the usual routine coming January 2018, though I’m unsure of what just yet. Naturally, I will go through it with you guys first so that nothing will be a complete surprise.
I also want to thank you all for your continued support and passion! Being able to share this passion for RPG Making that we love so much is what drives me to constantly work on new plugins and whatnot with you all! But beyond that, I would also like to remind you all to mind your health. Don’t let it suffer. Getting enough sleep, eating properly, and maintaining your body is just as important to your game’s development as your own passion. Passion is a double-edged sword that drives us forward to making progress but also blinds us to our limits. Remember to keep your passion in check and take care of yourselves, too.
I’ll be back now and then to post some updates on the situation. Don’t let me spoil your holidays and be sure to have some fun, too!
Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
You can grab the plugin here:
English Dropbox
English Mirror
Support Team Yanfly on Patreon
Passive States can be a powerful addition to a game, but if they are always active throughout a battle, they can be a little too powerful. Sometimes, you will want to limit the extent at which your passive states will be active by imposing conditional cases upon them. If all of the passive’s conditional cases have been met, then the passive will become active. This plugin adds a multitude of conditional cases for you to be able to use in your game and limit certain passive states from having their effects active at all times.
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
This plugin requires the following plugins:
– Auto Passive States
Passive States can be a powerful addition to a game, but if they are always active throughout a battle, they can be a little too powerful. Sometimes, you will want to limit the extent at which your passive states will be active by imposing conditional cases upon them. If all of the passive’s conditional cases have been met, then the passive will become active. This plugin adds a multitude of conditional cases for you to be able to use in your game and limit certain passive states from having their effects active at all times.
*NOTE*: This plugin is best used with RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0+. You can still use this plugin with a lower version number, but you will have a much harder time altering the plugin parameters without it.
For updated versions of the notetags, please refer to the plugin’s helpfile.
Lunatic Mode – Effect Code
For experienced users that know JavaScript and have RPG Maker MV 1.5.0+, you
can add new notetag effects that can be used by the plugin or alter the effects of currently existing notetag effects from the plugin parameters entry: Effect Code. It should look something like this:
// ------------- // Switch On/Off // ------------- if (data.match(/SWITCH[ ](\d+)[ ]ON/i)) { var switchId = parseInt(RegExp.$1); condition = $gameSwitches.value(switchId); } else if (data.match(/SWITCH[ ](\d+)[ ]OFF/i)) { var switchId = parseInt(RegExp.$1); condition = !$gameSwitches.value(switchId); ... // ------------------------------- // Add new effects above this line // ------------------------------- } else { skip = true; }
Here’s what each of the variables used in this code bit refer to:
-------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Variable: Refers to: -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- condition Current condition setting. If it returns true, then the current condition case passes. Otherwise, no. The passive state needs all its condition cases to to become an active passive state. a Returns the action user user Returns the action user subject Returns the action user s[x] Return switch x (true/false) v[x] Return variable x's current value skip Default: false. If true, returns the previous rate
If you need to revert the Effect Code back to its original state, delete the plugin from your plugin manager list and then add it again. The code will be back to default.
Happy RPG Making!
King Archial, The Forever King as suggested by SenG and voted by the awesome community over at patreon!
A powerful monarch who is the king the legendary knights once swore to serve. A truly evil demon disguised as an aged and wise monarch. You look at him and see: ah the main villain. -SenG
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Winter season is here and with it some extra xmas themed creatures this time around!
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