Yanfly Engine Plugins is a plugin library made for RPG Maker MV, a wonderful piece of software to help you make that role playing game of your dreams. You can find out more about RPG Maker MV here.
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The option to control the message speed is quite common in RPG’s nowadays. Players can put in whatever option they feel like for the text to go at, or if they wish, to have the text display instantly! This plugin will add in the ‘Message Speed’ option into your Options Menu for players to adjust! It comes with speeds from 0 (slowest) to 10 (fastest) and even an “11th” speed of being instant!
This plugin requires YEP_MessageCore. Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_MessageCore in the plugin list.
The option to control the message speed is quite common in RPG’s nowadays. Players can put in whatever option they feel like for the text to go at, or if they wish, to have the text display instantly! This plugin will add in the ‘Message Speed’ option into your Options Menu for players to adjust! It comes with speeds from 0 (slowest) to 10 (fastest) and even an “11th” speed of being instant!
Options Core Settings – Adding the New Options
If you are using YEP_OptionsCore.js, you can add a new Option using this plugin. Here’s the following code/parameter settings you can use with it.
Help Description: Changes the speed text is displayed during messages.
Symbol: messageSpeed
Show/Hide: show = Imported.YEP_X_MessageSpeedOpt;
Enable: enabled = true;
Ext: ext = 0;
Make Option Code: this.addCommand(name, symbol, enabled, ext);
Draw Option Code: var rect = this.itemRectForText(index); var statusWidth = this.statusWidth(); var titleWidth = rect.width - statusWidth; this.resetTextColor(); this.changePaintOpacity(this.isCommandEnabled(index)); this.drawOptionsName(index); var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol); var rate = ((value) / 10).clamp(0, 1); if (value > 10) { var gaugeColor1 = this.textColor(14); var gaugeColor2 = this.textColor(6); } else { var gaugeColor1 = this.textColor(20); var gaugeColor2 = this.textColor(21); } this.drawOptionsGauge(index, rate, gaugeColor1, gaugeColor2); this.drawText(this.statusText(index), titleWidth, rect.y, statusWidth, 'center');
Process OK Code: var index = this.index(); var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index); var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol); value += 1; if (value > 11) value = 0; value = value.clamp(0, 11); this.changeValue(symbol, value);
Cursor Right Code: var index = this.index(); var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index); var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol); value += 1; value = value.clamp(0, 11); this.changeValue(symbol, value);
Cursor Left Code: var index = this.index(); var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index); var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol); value -= 1; value = value.clamp(0, 11); this.changeValue(symbol, value);
Default Config Code:
Save Config Code:
Load Config Code:
Happy RPG Making!