874 static battlers!
72 dragonbones/spine format skeletal battlers,
39 RPG MAKER MV SV Animated format battlers,
94 Frontview 3-frame map sprites for animated releases
This sum of assets makes up Librarium’s free Library of assets!
Hey everyoneヾ(o✪‿✪o)シ !
Ækashics here!
The illustrator slime behind Ækashics Librarium!
Initially I set out with the mission of creating a free comprehensive library of static and animated battlers available for usage in any game engine and any game project!
Over 900+ free releases, with all assets considered, I feel that mission was a success!
Librarium’s patreon initially provided key support during the development of the massive free library of static and animated battlers you can find on www.akashics.moe !
During that time, and through many evolutions both in quality and content, and also insight gained through the quest to reward those who believed in the Librarium project as a whole, Librarium’s patreon gradually evolved into more of a service which supplies developers with new and original exclusive character/creature designs and related assets oriented for RPG development such as 4-Direction map sprites, bust portraits and more on a weekly basis!
For that end and with my future plans for both content and creature/character designs, the first step was to complete the free Library which will always be available on www.akashics.moe, and now focus on creating content for patreon!
To celebrate the milestone reached and to move forward smoothly, I have compiled all free releases which can be always be downloaded here! All 900+ asset releases combined into one page for convienence! It can also always be accessed under the “resources” tab at the top of Librarium’s menu!
Thanks for your support!